Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Apartments

So I moved into my new apartment yesterday. Spent my first night in here last night. My roommate doesn't arrive until tomorrow so it's been a bit lonely but it's nice and I just realized that it will be the first time in my life that I have my own room! 

3 more teachers arrived today! 1 is an older woman (in her 60s) who's taught at CPBS before but has been in the states the past two years, she's back now to teach at CPBS again. 2 teachers just a year older than me, one from Florida (Krystal) and one from Texas (Ingrid). 1 teacher came yesterday (Anny), she's Honduran but has been in Texas for a while. They're all super great. And 2 more teachers (Sarah and Rachele) will come tomorrow, both from the states!

I had a lot of fun hanging out with all the new teachers today, we just got back from the store and eating dinner. We're all so excited to be here and excited to see God do some incredible things! We got to sit and talk tonight about what brought us here and it was so fun to hear how God just lead each of us here. So excited to see what God has in store for us!

We start orientation tomorrow and will be preparing for the start of school in two weeks. Please pray as we begin to prepare our classrooms and adjust to life on the island.

Here are some pictures of my apartments!

Driveway/dirt road leading to our apartment

Our apartments! 3 units upstairs and 3 downstairs. 


My apartment is the one on top! 

Our balcony/porch, so nice (Ingrid in her blogging zone).

The living room. 

Other half of the living room/dining room/kitchen. (left door is a bedroom, right door is the bathroom)
The bathroom. 
My room, still pretty plain, please feel free to suggest some decorating tips! 

So there's two rooms in the apartment and I'm sharing this apartment with one other teacher!

Also check out my fellow teacher Ingrid's blog! (She's pretty great.)

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