Monday, July 30, 2012

And so it begins...

Here we are, the day has come. In 2 hours I will board my first flight to Houston, after 4 hours in Houston I will board my next flight to Roatan, ready to enter what will become my new home.

I'm trying to take it all in, remember what got me here in the first place, and just sit for a moment in awe and gratitude that the world is bigger than myself. I'm here, this is all really happening and to be honest I'm quite overwhelmed. Here I am, learning to follow the voice of God, trusting that He's led me here, learning to be obedient and live a life of faith. It's harder than I expected.

So, let's start from the beginning.
One night, in late April I was sitting in a prayer and worship session, in the prayer shed in the back of my house seeking direction for my future. It was late April and I was still unsure what the next year had in store for me, it felt late in the game to have no direction, but for some reason there was a peace, a strange confidence that knew plans were set, I just wasn't aware of them yet. So, I waited, I waited on God and let Him lead.

Back to the night in late April, during a prayer and worship session. As I'm sitting in this room of college students crying out to God,  I hear His ever slight voice, "Honduras". I don't really know exactly how to explain it, it wasn't an audible voice, but it was steady and deep, it just pulsed inside of me and I knew it was something. So later that night I go back into my apartment and I do the only thing I could think to do: search the internet. I used the power of google and I searched first for "Christian in Honduras" which led me to nowhere, so I tried "teaching in Honduras". And there it was, one of the first listings: "Christian Bilingual School in Roatan, Honduras". The description emphasized the desire for strong Christians to apply, not just anyone looking for a vacation. It sounded right, so I did the next logical thing, I applied!

A resume/cover letter, application, 2 references, 1 month, and a phone interview later I committed to teaching 2nd grade in Roatan Honduras.

It's all pretty crazy, maybe even silly to some, but here I am, preparing to board an airplane to take me to Roatan. I have no idea what the next year has in store for me, but I'm excited and I'm learning in a real way to walk by faith and not by sight.