Friday, August 3, 2012

Fun, Fun, Fun!

I arrived in Roatan on Monday and I've been here 5 days now. I came a week before orientation for my school started because my Mom wanted to come and check out the island where she would be leaving her daughter. Since she was coming all this way we figured we'd make a mini-vacation out of it and my Aunt came out for the ride. We've spent the last couple days living it up and being ultimate tourists. 

Day 1: Got in, settled into our hotel.

We've been staying at a beautiful beach-side resort in the West Bay area. The area is mainly a tourist area with lots of resorts. It boasts one of the most beautiful beaches with crystal clear, warm waters.

View from the pool at our hotel. 

clear waters, right outside our hotel, not too bad!

Day 2: We went on an island tour. We drove through the various parts of the island including a stop at the Iguana Farm, a boat ride through some Mangrove trees, and a stop to eat at the Hole in the Wall. We learned a little bit more about the island and got to see parts that aren't so touristy.

SO many iguanas!

They're pretty huge.
Hole In Wall


Day 3: We went on a glassbottom boat ride. It's basically a boat that has a half-submarine like bottom. The inside has glass windows and it feels like a moving aquarium. After that we went ziplining.

Day 4: We went on a boat ride in the morning. In the afternoon we went to a "Dolphin encounter" where we were able to pet a dolphin and watch it do some cool tricks. 

Day 5: Today we took it easy. We went to go see the school I would be working at and check out the apartments I would be living in. 

Today is the last day of my mini-vacation. My Mom and Aunt will be heading back to the states tomorrow and I will be officially moving into my apartment. It was nice to be able to relax and enjoy the island before all the madness starts, but I'm ready to be done being a tourist and get started!! I'll keep you all posted on moving in and orientation getting started! Love to you all out there reading!! 

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