Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Children's Day!!

Today is Honduran Children's Day, a day to celebrate all the little ninos. We had a half day at school  and the day was spent playing games and having fun. The school set up a bunch of stations with various games/activities for the kids to rotate through. My kids were crazy but also quite hilarious. One of my favorite activities of the day was "zumo" also known as sumo in English. My kids got so into it and it as just plain hilarious. 

The girls. 

The intensity.

Another favorite was the Pinata. Man the kids here do not mess around when it comes to pinatas. They ravaged the candy like no other and were whacking away at the thing. I think the school went through at least 10 pinatas throughout the day. Apparently Pinatas are a big deal for Children's day, so I'm sure the whole island had pinatas going all day long. 

They also played soccer, dodgeball, water balloons, make-shift mini-golf, ate snacks, and played some other random little games. 



dodgeball, boys vs. girls

love this picture. 

Overall it was a sweet day. Exhausting but fun. Oh man these kids crack me up. 

My sweet crazy kids

This is how things are all the time haha.

After school since it was a half-day Sarah, Ingrid, and I hitched our way over to Brick Bay and spent the day hanging out at Club Natale. Oh man, do we love that place. It's just always a good time when we are there. We're hoping to start working with them soon and helping them out by doing some tutoring/teaching/mentoring with some of the kids in French Harbor and hopefully eventually in Punta Gorda/Pandytown/the East side of the island. Super excited for that. 

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