Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Watching Oceans...

So, my class was supposed to go on a field trip this past Monday on a glass bottom boat. It's a boat out in West Bay that has a glass bottom allowing you to see the underwater world in the confides of a boat. Half boat/half submarine type of thing. Unfortunately it got rescheduled due to bad weather and we have postpone the trip until April when we get back from Spring Break. In lieu/honor of our trip we've been watching Oceans (shout out to my cousin Kathy for sending me the movie!) the past two days. They were too precious today watching it and getting all excited. They're chatty little cathies and couldn't stop talking at every moment but they were too cute none the less. Check out this picture and two short little videos. They're crazy little munchkins.

Haha they're amazing. Love them. On a completely unrelated note, the other day one of my students wrote me a super cute note and it definitely made my day. I am obsessed with these kids.

"There Ms. Lina..." haha There = Dear. The cutest. Love them.

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