Sunday, May 5, 2013

May, where did you come from?

Woopsies, it has been too long old friend. Sorry for the lack of posting. Life has engulfed me here and I have completely neglected this here blog. My apologies. May has somehow creeped up on us and it is really starting to dawn on us that our time here is rapidly approaching an end, and it's FREAKING ME OUT. I've been overwhelmed lately with a plethora of emotions that I have no idea how to process or deal with. It's been a doozie, and it's only the beginning of the end. I'm expecting lots of tears the next couple weeks, just hoping they'll be able to find their way out of my eyeballs, since it's been near impossible to shed tears here, but tis my life. Anywho, let me try and fill you all in on some of our life here the last month.

We've been back in school since Spring Break for a while now, and it was pretty hard to get back in to the swing of things for a while, the weather has been crazy hot, which has made things a bit more difficult, but we are managing and really just trying to stay present and finish well. My kiddies are going a bit loco lately, somehow the heat makes them more hyper and crazy and has the opposite effect on me, making it a bad combination. But we're learning to make it work. We watched Bill Nye the Science Guy the other day to learn about the water cycle and it was pretty awesome. My kids are so stinking smart and Bill Nye sort of rules. They seem to really be getting it, which is always such a rewarding moment.

We also had another crazy desfile (parade) last week. It's a pretty crazy spectacle, as we take up a quarter mile of the main road. We march from the gas station (right by our school) and march to the mall (which I'm guessing is about a quarter mile away, I could be way off). I was with the little first and second grade girls again. They were little pomponeras, sups presh. Here are some pictures of the madness.

Love this little man. 
love them
little Pre-K/Kinder kids
taking up the whole road
A glimpse of the madness. 


In other life news, diving has been the greatest thing to ever happen to my life. We started diving with another local dive shop Seagrape Plantation Resort and they've been super cool. We've been going on some of the best dives yet. We got to do an awesome wreck dive and another one that had some crazy cave-like swim throughs. It was pretty epic. We're really hooked on this whole diving thing. We wish we had unlimited funds and time to be able to just dive all day everyday, but we take what we can get. I will try to post again soon with picture and videos once I get some from Ingrid.

I think that's all for now. Thanks for reading! And Happy Cinco De Mayo!

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