Friday, August 24, 2012

First Days of School

Oy vey, what a week it has been! We just finished our first week of school and it was a doozy, and they were just half days :/ haha. Well, where to begin? I started school on Wednesday and I have 10 students, although 1 more just got added to my class today. So my number is now at 11, 4 girls and 7 boys. They are the cutest kids ever. They are all very sweet and great, but man they are WILD. They have a lot of energy and it's been a bit difficult for me to try and figure out how to manage it all in the classroom. I have a lot to learn and I'm realizing that that is totally normal, so I'm trying to have a bit of grace on myself and not be too hard on myself. But there's a lot for me to think about and figure out with classroom management, but I'm sure it will all come with time. I'm not going to lie, it was a bit rough this week. I feel like I'm a horrible teacher and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know it's just going to take time and that I just need to trust God. On a more of a positive note, I am really so thankful for this time and these kids. Difficulties aside, God is always good and these children are sweet and beautiful and it's a privilege to be able to teach them.

Here's some pictures of them, they are quite the hams, so excited to take pictures:

working hard or hardly working?

My kids
The boys. 

I have a couple ideas rumbling in my head for re-organizing the desks to create stations for them. Have a lot to think about and figure out, slowly but surely. It's definitely going to be a challenging and stretching year, but I'm excited to grow as a teacher and to watch these kids grow.

Please pray for me and my fellow teachers, next week will be our first full week and although it is exciting, it's a bit daunting at the same time. A lot of us were a bit overwhelmed. Thanks for all your love and support!

On another totally unrelated note, I just found this picture from a couple weeks ago when we found this huge bug in our apartment and thought I'd share. Oh the island life.

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