Sunday, August 19, 2012

Open House

Friday night was Open House, equivalent to Meet the Teacher Night in the states. There was a small talk, all the teachers introduced themselves, then we went into our classrooms to await meeting our parents. It was a bit of a slow turn out. Right now, I only have 5 students registered and only 2 registered students/parents came. But I also had 3-4 not yet registered, but going to register, students come through, so I will definitely have more than 5 students! Am definitely getting a bit nervous, some of the parents don't speak English, which is a bit scary, but I guess it'll force me to practice and work even harder at my Spanish. A lot of the kids seemed pretty shy, but were super cute and I'm looking forward to having them in my class.

I just barely got my room finished before Open House. I feel pretty good about it. I still have some things I need to do, but overall I feel pretty good about it. My kids don't start school until Wednesday next week, and it's all half-days so it should be good.

Here are some pictures of my class, it's starting from the back and moving counter-clockwise. 

My back wall

Reading corner, I need more books. 

Pretty excited about this Math Wall. 

Also just want to say that I love our staff so much. Everyone from the office to the cleaning lady are seriously incredible. The back pack rack on my back wall was made by Umberto, our maintenance/misc. does it all guy. He does a lot of things around the school and is overall awesome. He nailed the blocks of wood into the wall, painted the blocks, then put the hooks on, felt super blessed and I'm super stoked about it.
Back Pack rack. 
It was quite a relief to be done with Open House. I'm feeling a bit nervous about the year, but getting excited at the same time. Just gotta keep reminding myself that I'm prepared and that God's going to take real good care of me.

Here are also some pictures of us teachers:

The teachers who live in the apartments (plus Fernando)

At the school. Lovely bunch! 

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