Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rain adventures!

So tropical storm Ernesto is here and bringing rain galore. We got the day off today because of the storm so we've all just been hanging out at the apartments. Our water stopped working this morning so we decided to collect rain water!

After eating breakfast and drinking coffee we thought we'd use the rain water to do our dishes.  

Ingrid went a step further and washed her hair with the rain water. 

Then we decided to brush our teeth too! 

We had a blast! Rachele and Sarah the last 2 teachers arrived yesterday. Lucky for them we have the day off today so they've been able to rest and hang out. We've all just been lounging together, going from apartment to apartment just hanging out.

Life is good.

Now we're all updating our blogs and facebook to inform all of you of our adventures! We might do a Spanish lesson later today too, since a lot of us American teachers are lacking in the Spanish department. But just you wait folk, we'll be fluent in no time! haha.

Life is good indeed.

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