Sunday, September 23, 2012

Scuba and Canopy Tour

I had a moment yesterday, lots of them actually, but one in particular swimming underwater, my snorkel mask allowing me to simultaneously breath and see clearly underwater. As I was swimming and in awe of what I was seeing under the surface, I had a moment with God, of just complete awe and thankfulness. I had a moment of realizing that this was the life I was living and this was the God I was serving. It was a sweet moment, just for that minute, it was just me and God and this vast beautiful ocean that reminded me of His goodness all over again. The vast beautiful ocean that calmed me, lavished me, and reminded me to just stop take it all in and cherish the moment just with God, to remember that He is good, that He loves me and that I am blessed beyond measure. T'was sweet.

huge lobster!

This was my 2nd time snorkeling in Roatan and it never fails to amaze me that all of that is so close right under the surface of the water. This time we went out to French Key, a small community about 3 miles from where we live. We went out to 2 different spots and go to swim around and explore the underwater world. It's so incredibly beautiful and we had so much fun. We got to see TONS of huge lobsters, along with a bunch of conchs. It's just incredible.

TODAY, we got to go out on a sweet canopy tour (ziplining) for FREE! Our neighbor Marvin works for one of the companies and offered to take us out. It was so nice of him and we had a blast. There were 12 lines throughout at various speeds and heights. Another experience reminding us that we are currently living in one of the most gorgeous places on earth, it's surreal!

In other news, we have adopted a pet cat, well more like she has adopted us.

This little kitty that we have named Frick has been coming around the last couple days and just keeps coming back. Now, I am by no means a cat person, at all, but I'm not going to lie, she's kind of grown on me. She's super loving and affectionate and just keeps coming around. Sometimes she acts like she owns the place and I think she really is starting to think she's home here. Might become an issue, but for now we're showing her bits of attention, while also yelling at her to get outta here. Complicated relationship, but she really is so dang cute and a really good kitty, so for now she's just our little Frick.


  1. About the moment...THATS why we gotta get back out in the ocean and go diving. I think it could be really therapeutic for us...once we get the hang of it. Cool beans Lina. I like this a lot. Especially the tag of "frick" hahahhahaha

  2. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
    Scuba mask
