Sunday, September 30, 2012

Parade Madness

So, this past week felt like I was almost making progress with my kids and they were learning things. I had to give out progress report card grades and it was really difficult and made me realize I need to step up my game a whole lot. This quarter is zooming by and I can't believe we're already half-way through and that it's already October! WHAT? When did that happen???

Anyways on Friday the school organize a HUGE parade to celebrate the arrivals of the independence scrolls. The 15th is independence day, but I guess the scrolls didn't arrive until the 28th? Something to that effect. So, we had a huge parade that started at the gas station across the street from our school and then went down to "the mall", which is about 1/4 of a mile maybe, not too sure, but it's not too far. BUT, the parade was CRAZY. I think 12-16 (I kept hearing different numbers) participated in it and apparently it was a band war, I don't know, I feel like sometimes they don't tell us anything and I just go with the flow. But it was a pretty big deal and there were lots of people and the road was basically shut down for 5 hours, which is crazy because there's basically only 1 main road in Roatan so I'm sure it caused some problems. But it was pretty cool. Although it took us about 3 hours to get through the whole thing. I was with the little 1st and 2nd grade girls. We walked in front of the band and they were little mariposas (butterflies). SO CUTE! We just walked and flapped our little arms and danced to the band. T'was real cute. It was quite elaborate. Our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade boys wore long sleeve white shirts with a red tie, a red visor (pretty random), and sunglasses, They were looking so good. It was one of the most precious sights ever. We also had our band, "dancing crabs", although they looked nothing like dancing crabs. And some other cute dressed up children. It was fun.

I wish I had pictures to show you all the cute little kids but I forgot my camera, sad days. Here's one picture that almost gives you an idea of the madness.

In other news we had a great weekend relaxing and hanging out. We got to beach it up, meet new friends, snorkel, and get work done for school all in one weekend. It ruled. Life is good and I am thankful.

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