Saturday, October 6, 2012


Oh man, what a week it has been. It is officially rainy season over here in Roatan, I think it has rained almost every day this week. It's kind of nice in a way because it reminds me of fall, but it's still pretty hot and humid all the time, which makes it feel less like fall, but tis life in Roatan. So this week at school had lots of ups and downs. I had a great Monday where I just felt so light-hearted about everything. Instead of getting mad, I really just laughed a lot. It was good but also really bad. It was good in the sense that I was more light-hearted and joyful and bad in the sense that for the rest of the week my kids did not take me seriously. Oh the joys of teaching, so many different hats to put on. But on Monday while I was explaining the homework, one of my students fell out of his chair and I could not stop laughing. It was really bad. It then spiraled into every other student pretending to fall to try and make me laugh. Oh man it was near disaster, but it was the end of the day so, it didn't cause too much trouble. But man the rest of the week it felt like my kids were just trying to push every boundary and test what they could get away with. It was pretty rough. I just don't know what to do. I want my kids to feel like they can have fun and laugh and be silly, but there needs to be a level of paying attention and order right? I just don't know anymore!

Just learning and realizing that each day brings its new challenges and blessings. Learning to just take each moment and each lesson with open hands and open hearts. I'm in need of a lot more patience, grace, compassion, and love to get through each day. Thankful that Jesus supplies all my needs because oh man do I have a lot. I'm lacking in so many ways but God is good and all sufficient. Thankful, always.

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