Sunday, October 28, 2012

Coming Alive

It's funny how small moments and encounters can remind me of big picture life things. I had a simple afternoon yesterday hanging out with 2 random little boys in West End. I was hanging out with two of my friends on a dock behind a dive shop when these 2 little ninos came strolling back. One of them started fishing with literally just a piece of string with a hook attached at the end. The other was standing with him and sweetly smiled and waved when I looked over. His smile lit up his whole face and I was immediately enamored. He slowly made his way over to where where we were and I made small talk with the little Spanish that I know. He then asked me to get him some coconuts off the nearby trees. My friend and I (mostly my friend) got one down for him and another for his cousin (the other boy fishing). I made my way over to him and his cousin and hung out with them. We chatted, I watched them fish, they climbed trees to get coconuts, I did my best to assist them, we drank coconut water, laughed, and enjoyed the day. 

They were so precious and really just stole my heart. It was such a simple, easy time but I felt like I came alive all over again hanging out with them. Sometimes I forget what really awakens me and makes me come alive and in that moment it all came flooding back to me. Teaching here has been difficult to say the least and I feel like lately I've felt a bit lost on this island, unsure of what I'm doing and unsure of what I'm meant to do. But in moments like yesterday and during my times tutoring in French Harbor and even moments teaching and hanging out with my students, I'm just reminded of my love for children and how spending time with them and loving them makes me come alive. I just felt my heart bursting with love as I was hanging out with those boys and everything in me was awakened and present in that moment. That sounds kind of dramatic and over the top, but it's all just to say that it was a special moment and encounter and it reminded me of my passions and the desires of my heart coming alive and being lived out. It's sweet to live out what you love, even if it's just a simple afternoon hanging out with two little boys and drinking some coconut water. Thankful for the heart God has given me and for the desires He's placed in my heart. It's good to be alive. 

Here's a picture of me with the two little boys. There some more after the jump (click "read more" below). 

Happy with his coconut

cracking coconuts

They each took a picture of me with the other, the kids here love cameras. 

playing around

drinking it alllll up

so good.

His smile lights up his whole face. 


So much love. So thankful. All us girls just had our Plan Grande Church session and we talked about how when we're present and living in the moment with the Lord we feel most alive and full. It made me realize that each day is filled with moments and encounters that make us come alive, we just have to be present enough to not miss them. So, follow your heart and live in the present, the world awaits us. From glory to glory my friends.

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