Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello blog world out there. My apologies for the long delay in posting, life has been BUSY to say the least. We have started going to fitness classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, put on by one of the Moms from our school. On Tuesday we do weight/strength training and dance/zumba on Thursdays. It's been a lot of fun, although I got my butt kicked last Tuesday, I felt like I could barely walk the rest of the week, but I'm excited to get back into shape! The only downside is now with tutoring on Mondays & Wednesday and our fitness classes Tues&Thurs,  Monday - Thursday I leave the house at 6:45am and don't get home till approx. 7pm which makes for really LONG days. I get home and I'm pooped and then I have to get up and do it all over again the next day. It's been rough, but I think I'll learn to adjust and it's forcing me to plan ahead which is a really good thing.

Aside from really long days during the week, three of us teachers have started taking an Open Water Scuba certification class on the weekends!!! We've been taking it really slow and have only gotten in the water once but it was so much fun! It's pretty unreal and crazy, and a part of me is still a bit uneasy about the whole thing, but I'm stoked to get in the water more and get more comfortable with the whole thing. Everyone keeps saying how it's one of the best spots in the world to dive, so I'm pumped that (1) we're actually doing it and (2) that we're doing it so early on. One of our good friends Jonathan is our instructor so that's also a fun plus side.

I also had my first parent-teacher conferences this past weekend. It's basically a day for parents to pick up the report cards from last quarter and talk with me about any concerns they or I may have about their child. I was a bit nervous about it because (A) most of my parents only speak Spanish and (B) well I just never know how to be serious teacher lady. But to my relief they went really well. I managed to communicate through my broken Spanish, charades, and sometimes the 2nd grader translating on our behalf. It was swell. I was really thankful for how supportive the parents were in really understanding the things I had to say and usually agreeing with the faults/difficulties I've noticed with their children. Overall it was a lot better than I was expecting.

Anyways, sorry for the lack of pictures, it's just been raining constantly here and we just haven't really been taking many pictures. I guess the newness of capturing each moment has faded. But I will try to be better. Love to you all.

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