Friday, November 16, 2012

Meet Roatan: Banana Donut Man

Okay, so a long while ago, I said that I wanted to start doing a series I would refer to as "Meet Roatan".  It was going to feature the CPBS staff/teachers as well as the many friends/characters we meet on the island, and well I completely failed in doing that. But after an encounter with the Banana Donut Man the other day, I'm re-inspired to actually start this series up, so thank you Banana Donut Man. Without further adieu:

Meet Banana Donut man, also known as Milton. He lives in Sandy Bay. He is a sweet man originally from mainland, he's been on the island for 3 years now and from what I can tell, he spends his days walking up and down West Bay beach selling his famous Banana Donuts. His wife home makes them and he carries them around in a cardboard box and walks around singing "ba-naaaa-naaa do-nuuutt, ba-naaaa-naaa do-nuuuut". I was suckered into buying them one time and they are quite delicious. One of the other teachers here also bought them and basically fell in love with them. The other day while we were in West Bay all she could think about was Banana Donuts and she waited all day for him to come walking by singing his Banana Donut song, but he never came. It was quite sad. UNTIL, on our way home we caught a bus, and no other than Banana Donut Man was sitting in the bus! We got to chat with him (hence how I know so much information about him) and we kept asking him if we could make the donuts with his wife. Not sure he understood what we said, but we did buy a donut and Ingrid captured this epic picture. Also, as he was getting off the bus and saying goodbye he ended with saying, "I love you" in his precious accent and waving gracefully, so I think we're friends now. It was awesome.

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